Single-energy therapy devices are the most common therapy devices to-date. Number wise, they dominate the market. Each of them typically outputs one (and only one) single energy that is designed for therapeutic purpose. Examples of these single energies include High Potential, PEMF, Far Infrared, Thermal, Negative Ion etc. Each single energy has a specific focus of direction in terms of the therapeutic effect on our body. Some focuses on injury repairing, some focuses on tissue regrowth, some focuses on cell membrane efficiency boost, some focuses on regulation of the nerve system, some focuses on absorption of subtances, some focuses on circulation improvement and some other has effects of boosting the immune system. Typically a single-energy therapy bears just one or two of these effects mentioned above (although they might claim more), which is normal and already a legit solution for therapy.
With advancement of technology, multi-energy therapy devices started to appear. But they are still the minority of the market. For reasons that include: 1.Technological barriers: Energy generating modules take space and conflict/interfere with each other. They fight for the surface area too. 2. Higher cost and higher research input. 3.Concept still lack of recognition although rising. For the reasons mentioned above, few companies in the therapy device industry have fully committed themselves in the multi-energied direction. It is a technologically difficult route to take.
But Why Multi-Energy Therapy? Why in our opinion it is worth everything?
The short answer: the ultimate efficacy that can be derived from a modern therapy device yet.
Many of these single-energy therapies are field recognized methods on their own. So do why we want to apply them all at once in one single device? Or Can we apply these single-energy therapy in time sequence and expect a similar effect? The answer is also: Not really.
Because for energy therapy, simultaneity is key. When done right, a simultaneity of multi-modality energy intervention can bring up a unmatched level of efficacy in terms of wellness improvement in our body.
A cell level explanation is given below.
100 trillions of cells exist and function simultaneously in a human's body. Quadrillions of molecular-level reactions take place at any given moment. This is a giant number. These reactions make up all the vital activities that take place inside (intra) and outside (inter) our human cells.
These vital activities can be categorized into many key types. i.e. Oxygen Transport, ionic substance-transport, Mitochondria Respiration, ATP-production, inter cell transport, intra cell transport, Protease Function, Membrane Potential pumping, Enzyme Process, Cell building, Cell-repairing, Immune Response and many more etc.
Single-energied therapy devices do work in enhancing our bodily functions. However, each energy typically enhances one or two certain vital activity types inside our body.
It is all about “Simultaneity”.
But in the human body, all the vital activities of different types take place simultaneously and synergistically (meaning interrelated), in any given body area (/system) at any given time. This means all these processes proceed all together. One type of process can not go on far without the other types’ simultaneous progress. For a quick instance, the ATP production can’t improve without the enhancement of oxygen uptake through the membrane into the cell. Vice versa. The sole enhancement of oxygen uptake wouldn’t help if the ATP production efficiency inside a cell doesn’t improve.
Now we understand the human body is an ecosystem that its functions are intricately interrelated. When people age, not just one link, but all links in the system weaken by a proportional extent. One link can not sustainably improve on its own unless all related elements are enhanced accordingly and preferably with the same rate. In a way, every single link is on its own “locked”. A singular enhancement is still possible, but will be very temporary and transient.
On the contary, in a multi-modality energy therapy scenario, different therapeutic energies address the improvement of different vital activity types. And if we get to address enough different vital activity types simultaneously, we can unlock the barriers. The different columns of the system get to be lifted at the same time. A sustained improvement of overall state can be realistic.
Now that the concept takes form, the actual selection of these energies requires a large amount of study.
‘How should the different energies be applied in relation to each other, spatially and chronically, to maximize types of effects and achieve the results we were after’? Also ‘How many energies are enough’ ? The more the better or not? What about intensities and frequencies? Safe yet effective. How should these energy outputs be materialized? Could they be constructed within the limited space of a practical device, with all the optimal parameters and specifications desired? And all the energies need to output through one common surface so the idea becomes fact that they are applied simultaneously. Ultimately the field data from application has to come back and prove the design's legitimacy and superiority.
This is exactly how our Energy Med/Pal devices had been created.
Multi-Energy therapy is a difficult route, but it is a rewarding one. Here at VIGO we believe it is the future. That is: portable, pratical, optimized, multi-energy therapy technology.