When we present VIGO Energy Pal/Energy Med, an important terminology or similar is alway visible: High Voltage Electrical Potential Therapy. You might wonder what this is, and what its relation to PEMF is.
Although both in the electro-magnetic area, High Potential and PEMF are actually two independent therapy methods, with the former focusing on electricity and the latter focusing on magnetism, which are both essential to our human body functions.
High Electrical Potential Therapy (HEPT or HELP) also know as High Voltage Electrostatic Potential Therapy, or High Electro Potential Therapy is a major type of modern physical therapy. A High Electro Potential Therapy device generates a well controlled, high electric field, very high in electric potential, very low in electric current (therefore safe and nearly undetectable). The use of high-voltage energy does not mean electrical current is passed through the body. When the human body is placed in this field, it is snugly wrapped in an electrical field. This high electric field can be regarded as countless micro electric fields, and every single body cell now is in one micro electric field.
These micro electric fields have the special ability to boost the electric potential of cell membranes and to enhance the absorption of nutrition particles, to expedite the discharge of waste elements through the membranes, to revitalize the cell itself, and to revitalize the body in whole as a result. For example, mitochondrion is a cell too. Its membrane potential and therefore exchange efficiency can also benefit from an effective High Potential Therapy. As our body's "powerhouses", mitochondria’s vitality greatly affects all metabolic functions and therefore all body functions.
Many health problems originate from degenerated cell vitalities (due to many reasons). When body cells are revitalized, previously degenerated cells tissues organs and systems have a good opportunity to regrow, rebuild, repair and recover.
Healthy human body cells have the ability to clean up wastes, output toxins. One effect of revitalized blood cells is that blood clots/blockages start to be removed by the body itself. A large variety of chronic problems originate from poor circulation/blood blockage and can could be relieved by the therapy.
Accumulated toxins previously stuck inside organs due to degenerated cells start to come out of the system once the organ cells are revitalized and back to work. HEPT(HELP) also has an observed effect on neural cells. Neural systems tend to be abundant with electric charge. When neural cells degenerate through aging and thus cell charge becomes disordered, the whole neural system is affected. With its highly ordered field, HEPT seems to bear a special ability to regulate neural cell charges.
Primitive High Electrical Potential Therapy devices were invented in Japan about a century ago. Technology has since improved but the underlying mechanism largely remains. One interesting observation is that, while PEMF Therapy is universally recognized in the west, HEPT therapy is highly regarded in the eastern part of the world in the modern therapy field. HEPT is being actively applied across Eastern Asia in both the main stream and alternative medicine fields.
Today HEPT is an important modality of modern physical therapy, for its effectiveness and uniqueness.
HEPT and PEMF therapies are no replacement for each other. On the contrary, they are good complement for each other as far as effects go.
Because of HEPT’s importance and effectiveness, VIGO Energy Pal/Med has taken it to be part of its distinctive therapy functions alongside the PEMT function. But the HEPT technology bears a certain barrier to be integrated into to a therapy device. Let alone a therapy device that already incorporates the PEMF function module, and three more functionalities all at the same time. VIGO Energy Pal/Med has proudly done it. VIGO Energy Pal’s energies are multi-layered. One of the layers is HEPT.