What is moxibustion? How does it work?
Moxibustion involves the application of heating sensation onto the surface of our body. How is it different from regular thermobustion or, simply, taking a hot bath?
The main difference lies in the philosophy. Moxibustion is Eastern medicine based. Its purpose is to assist the energy flow through the Meridian lines inside our body. Therefore all efforts of Moxibustion are typically focused on the Meridian lines of our body. Pressure points (a.k.a. acupoints) along Meridian lines are considered to be the clogged spots of our body and will be the target of the therapy. Moxi-sticks are held closely to these points during a moxibustion therapy and typically for one session only on a limited number of pressure points along a certain Meridian line, or in a certain area can be addressed. The goal is to stimulate these spots and resolve blockages inside so a health energy flow can resume. Different pressure points serve different purposes regarding health benefits.
In a moxibustion session, heat released from the Moxi-sticks comes onto the skin in a naturally diffusing pattern. Meaning at the receiving end, the heat is constant and non-constant at the same time. The pressure points on our skin effectively go through a periodic variation of temperatures for stimulation. According to Eastern medicine this is one of the best ways of stimulating pressure points. Key words: ‘stimulation', ‘variation’.
Moxibustion is one of the hidden jewels in the Eastern medicine realm with proven benefits. But normally moxibustion is not easy to apply day in and day out. Doing a moxibustion session takes some effort and time.
What if modern technology can integrate this therapy into a practical package? An easy-to-use device that can closely mimic the effect? A session can be applied without hassles even while doing other things?
ViGO Energy Pal/Energy Med has done exactly that! A palpable moxibution effect as a part of its functions and benefits.