PEMF therapy is a great regenerative technology that improves the connection between mind and body and boosts energy levels utilized for natural self-repair. This incredible technology is based on electromagnetic fields therapy research studied by many scientists in the yesteryear including the likes of Nikola Tesla. Here are 8 technical and historical facts about PEMF which many may not know:
PEMF therapy can have similar effects as electric stimulation. Electromagnetic fields as the name suggests contain both electric and magnetic fields. The fact is that both field and magnetic fields occupy different planes in an electromagnetic field. PEMF is also known to be more bioactive 1 than electric field, although it’s an obvious fact that PEMF settings should be comparable in terms of frequency and intensity.
PEMF has many variations on how the pulse is shaped. The pulsing waves can have various shapes such as square, triangular, sine, etc. So in addition to time-variation where the frequency shifts or is randomized, the wave forms can also affect how the electromagnetic field hits the targeted cells. As per laws of physics, sine waves will carry the charge furthest with lower intensity, while square waves will deliver the highest charges with lower propagation.
PEMF originated in eastern Europe. It was used by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in 1961. NASA’s PEMF research papers started appearing in the late 80s. The history of magnetotherapy or magnetic therapy is even older. PEMF has been around from more than 80 years. In the early days, electrical stimulation had wide-spread use in western medicine. Around the time of World War II that started to change as pharmaceuticals skyrocketed. In modern times, the first published studies on PEMF came out in mid 60s.
Whole body PEMF systems can be more useful for overall energy and recovery because they stimulate the entire neurological and hormonal system. Regular whole-body PEMF therapy helps improve health and well-being for a whole person (mentally, physically and spiritually). The gentler full-body field helps tissues regenerate better and improve your balance and flexibility. The fact is, PEMF therapy can help improve circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body, which is can improve the immune system and help to remove toxins. PEMF may increase plasma NO (Nitric Oxide) availability and optimize blood pressure at rest and during exercise.
PEMFs can be used to charge gemstones and gemstone essences. An interesting innovation by Dr. Bruce Berkowsky utilizes PEMF for charging gemstones and gemstone essences using their subharmonic frequencies and Schumann resonance frequency band.
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy to the brain can improve neuroplasticity as recently shown in another clinical trial 2, which is a primary requirement for brain regeneration and neuroprotection to be effective.
Another fact, PEMF is pronounced as letters – P, E, M, F. PEMF is an abbreviation for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field. Few podcast guest and influencers have pronounced it as one word – Pemf, woops!
PEMF has many different names. When PEMFs are applied to brain in a clinical setting they are called transcranial magnetic stimulation and also repetitive transcranial magnetic field stimulation. Many manufacturers and scientists sometimes come up with a new term or unique name for the technology, however those are usually narrowed to their patented application of PEMF. Other known words for PEMF include:
LF-EMF (Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field),
ELF-EMF (Extremely Low Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) ,
electromagnetic therapy,
electromagnetic stimulation,
electromagnetic field, RF-EMF (Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field),
transcutaneous magnetic stimulation,
theta-burst stimulation,
low-frequency magnetic field, etc.
Besides, the technology is known in other languages as well.
As we can see PEMF therapy has an interesting and rich history of research and development. These facts about PEMF therapy are good to know when on a quest to learn about the benefits of PEMF therapy, or how PEMF devices work.
Research References for PEMF facts
1.Panagopoulos D, Karabarbounis A, Margaritis L. Mechanism for action of electromagnetic fields on cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002;298(1):95-102. doi:10.1016/s0006-291x(02)02393-8
2.Cichoń N, Bijak M, Czarny P, et al. Increase in Blood Levels of Growth Factors Involved in the Neuroplasticity Process by Using an Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field in Post-stroke Patients. Front Aging Neurosci. Published online September 26, 2018. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2018.00294